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Delivery Information

Delivery System:

The Online shopping ebazar will provide delivery service to the whole of Iraq the same as we serve and deliver all seller’s products to all customers via ebazar post. For more information and details you can call customer service or contact us via other contacts. 009647502928000

Most common questions:

When do I get my order?

Bought products will be sent from the date of buying to the whole of Iraq, Erbil it will be delivered in 24 hours and if your order was before 1:00 pm it will deliver on the same day or (less than 24 hours)But the other area of Iraq will reach 2 to 3 days to collect and delivery the orders such as (Sulaymaniyah – Duhok - Zaxo – Dyana – Bagdad – Mosul – Karkuk – Salah al-din – Al basra – Al nasrya – Al ammara-    Al samawa- Al anbar….)

If there was (24 hours delivery) it means it will be delivered in 24hours.

Is There any delivery payment?

You will get free delivery offer if you buy with the cost of 150,000 IQD

But if it was less than that then it will be according to the area and this table:





Delivery time



24 hours

Start from 2500 IQD

Kurdistan region

2 days

Start from 3500 IQD

The rest of Iraq

3 to 4 days

Start from 5500 IQD


What am I supposed to be aware of when I get my order?

You have to ensure that you got the same product that you have ordered before taking it from the delivery man and without having any problem with the product you can return it without paying any money and telling the customer service for the sake of resending the correct item.

Do you have delivery abroad?

The delivery process reaches the whole of Iraq.

Do you have delivery on holidays?

The company will do the delivery the products to houses all the week except Fridays.

What am I supposed to do if I am a new customer?

If you are a new customer in eBazar and your cost reaches more than 150,000 IQD, we will receive 50% of the total amount as a deposit according to the company payment law. 

Can the product be exchanged or returned?

It can be exchanged and returned, but the new order must be of the same value as the old order, and the customer must bear the shipping and exchange costs